Why choose Missouri State Online?

What are the advantages of online instruction?

Aside from the major advantage–convenience–studies have shown that there are several other important benefits as well.

  • Because you can work at your own pace and have more time to compose responses, discussions are often deeper and more satisfying than traditional classroom discussions.
  • Online courses are highly interactive. Class sessions often center around discussions, and each student is expected to participate, thus insuring a diversity of ideas and opinions.
  • Students who tend to be more reserved in traditional classrooms feel “anonymous” and express themselves more freely in the online environment.
  • Online learning can bring students from all parts of the world together, an interesting mix of cultural perspectives may be created.

Does the lack of face-to-face interaction diminish the quality of education?

Missouri State Online Courses are designed to be highly interactive and collaborative. Therefore, in spite of the lack of immediate contact between students and the instructor, some studies have shown that online students test higher than students who took the same class in the traditional format.

Who teaches Missouri State Online courses?

You will receive the same high level of instruction as those in traditional seated classes from Missouri State ranked faculty, 90% of whom have a doctorate or the highest degree in their field.

Are Missouri State Online courses accredited?

Missouri State online courses are accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools as well as by 23 professional associations.

In which states are Missouri State Online courses available?

Please consult our map for course availability. Courses are constantly under development for complete online degree programs and certificates. The staff is always on the lookout for potential courses and programs that serve the needs of our students and their busy life schedules.