Graduation Details for Outreach Students in West Plains

Graduation details for Outreach Students in West Plains

You are eligible to take part in the annual spring commencement ceremony in West Plains if:

  • You are a Springfield student on the MSU-West Plains campusor in an MSU online degree program
  • You graduate in the previous fall semester
  • Or plan to graduate in the current spring or following summer semester
  • With either a bachelor’s, master’s or specialist degree

You can choose to take part in the ceremony at the West Plains Civic Center, or at the MSU-Springfield campus.

MSU-West Plains has one commencement ceremony per year, held each spring semester. The MSU-Springfield campus holds commencement at the conclusion of each fall and spring.

Spring 2025 commencement ceremony:

Location: West Plains Civic Center
Date and time: Saturday, May 10, 2025 at 2:00 pm.
Students need to arrive at least 30 minutes early for the ceremony.

Please email Amber Johnston or Deanna Smith or call 417-255-7931 to confirm if you plan to participate in the spring 2025 commencement ceremony in West Plains. So we can track numbers of graduates attending.


You are eligible to attend the spring 2025 commencement ceremony in West Plains if:
  • You complete your degree in fall 2024
  • You are completing your degree at the end of spring 2025
  • Or you have 6 hours or less to complete to graduate by the end of the summer 2025 semester

Undergraduate Exit Survey

All bachelor degree candidates must complete the Undergraduate Exit Survey before graduation. You may access it after successful completion of 102 credit hours. The survey is now completely online and may be completed from anywhere. You will need to access the survey through Brightspace under the My Courses section.
For more information:
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Apply to Graduate

  • Students will be required to complete the Application to Graduate online in your My Missouri State portal. Or, you may print out the paper form and send to the main campus via mail or email if needed.
  • Select the semester you will finish your degree on the application (fall, spring, summer)
You may mail, or scan and email the form to the Office of the Registrar. Students are encouraged to apply to graduate online through My Missouri State.

Caps, Gowns, Tassels, Hoods, and Announcements

Springfield students who plan to graduate and attend commencement in West Plains, may order your cap and gown from:
Announcements should be ordered through the Springfield bookstore (instructions are listed below).
Regalia is maroon for students graduating with bachelor’s degrees. Those graduating with master’s, specialist or doctoral degrees will have black regalia. Please make sure that you have the correct color regalia for the degree that you are receiving. If you are a student earning your master’s or specialist degrees, you need to bring your hood with you to commencement. Drape it over your arm while walking across stage at the ceremony so you can be hooded by an MSU official.

Scholastic Honors

An honor cord will be provided to you at no cost, if you are eligible for scholastic honors. Pick up your cord at the MSU outreach table the day of commencement. A list of students eligible for honors will be provided from the Springfield campus. You will be notified via email if you should pick up a cord.
For more information:
Or contact the Office of the Registrar in Springfield at 417-836-5520
Access commencement information for graduates to learn more about the diplomas, transcripts, proper dress for commencement, career center and the alumni association.

Graduation Announcements

If you choose to order graduation announcements, you may order them online from the Baker Bookstore or Herff Jones website. Please make sure you choose the May 10, 2025 ceremony in West Plains option under the area to order announcements, if you plan to attend the West Plains ceremony. if the option for West Plains is not visible, please check back at a later date. 

Students who plan to graduate should check with their advisors and review their degree audit to cover any questions and finalize graduation details.

If you are a MSU Outreach student who wants to attend the ceremony in West Plains please contact:
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