Missouri State iCourses Fulfilling General Education Requirements
Taking a Missouri State iCourse is a great way to fulfill part of your general education requirements. Below is a list of general education courses available as Missouri State iCourses. Students do not attend classes, but download lectures from the MSU website under iTunes U.
Course Code | Course Number | Section(s) | Course Title |
AST | 114 | 750 | Survey of Astronomy |
CFD | 155 | 750 | Human Development |
ECO | 155 | 750 or 751 | Principles of Macroeconomics |
HST | 122 | 750 or 751 | Survey of History of United States History 1877 to present |
LLT | 121 | 750 or 751 or 752 | Classical Mythology |
LLT | 180 | 750 or 751 or 752 | Hero and Quest |
MTH | 135 | 750 | College Algebra |
MUS | 239 | 750 | Introduction to World Music |
MUS | 241 | 750 or 751 | The Language of Music |
PHI | 110 | 750 | Introduction to Philosophy |
PLS | 101 | 750 or 751 or 701 | American Democracy and Citizenship |
PLS | 103 | 751 | Missouri Government and Politics |
REL | 100 | 750 or 751 | Introduction to Religion |
REL | 101 | 750 or 751 | The Literature and World of the Old Testament / Hebrew Bible |
THE | 101 | 750 or 751 or 752 |
Introduction to Theatre / Drama Arts |
iCourses that do not fulfill general education requirements
Course Code | Course Number | Section(s) | Course Title |
ENG | 351 | 750 | Survey of American Literature |
Contact us
Online Video Courses
Missouri State University
901 South National Avenue
Springfield, MO 65897
Phone: 417-836-8803
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