Missouri State iCourses Fulfilling General Education Requirements

Taking a Missouri State iCourse is a great way to fulfill part of your general education requirements. Below is a list of general education courses available as Missouri State iCourses. Students do not attend classes, but download lectures from the MSU website under iTunes U.

Course Code Course Number Section(s) Course Title
AST 114 750 Survey of Astronomy
CFD 155 750 Human Development
ECO 155 750 or 751 Principles of Macroeconomics
HST 122 750 or 751 Survey of History of United States History 1877 to present
LLT 121 750 or 751 or 752 Classical Mythology
LLT 180 750 or 751 or 752 Hero and Quest
MTH 135 750 College Algebra
MUS 239 750 Introduction to World Music
MUS 241 750 or 751 The Language of Music
PHI 110 750 Introduction to Philosophy
PLS 101 750 or 751 or 701 American Democracy and Citizenship
PLS 103 751 Missouri Government and Politics
REL 100 750 or 751 Introduction to Religion
REL 101 750 or 751 The Literature and World of the Old Testament / Hebrew Bible
THE 101 750 or 751 or
Introduction to Theatre / Drama Arts

iCourses that do not fulfill general education requirements

Course Code Course Number Section(s) Course Title
ENG 351 750 Survey of American Literature

Contact us

Online Video Courses
Missouri State University
901 South National Avenue
Springfield, MO 65897

Phone: 417-836-8803

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