Bachelor of Science in General Business • Neosho

The following is a transfer degree plan for a bachelor's degree in general business. Complete your first two years at Crowder College in Neosho before transferring to Missouri State University.

Crowder College

Pursue an associate of art degree while at Crowder College. With the associate of art degree, you will have met MSU's general education requirements.

Select your courses with the assistance of your advisor and include the following courses, as they will transfer and fulfill part of your MSU major requirements. Also, meet with a MSU transfer advisor early in your college career to determine other appropriate course work for your academic goals.

Missouri State University

  • Contact an advisor with the Business Advisement Center on the Springfield campus to be admitted as a degree-seeking student, prior to starting this program.
  • Before being admitted to a degree program or taking most upper-division coursework, the College of Business requires that you first complete at least ten classes in a twelve-class business core.

Admission into the Bachelor of Science in General Business program requires at least 54 hours and at least 10 of the 12 business core classes.

Course availability and prerequisites are subject to change. Check out the course rotations and consult with your advisor before scheduling your classes.

College of Business Admission Courses

Missouri State Course Crowder Equivalent
ACC 201 Intro. to Financial Accounting ACCT 201
ACC 211 Intro. to Managerial Accounting ACCT 202
CIS / CSC 101 Computers for Learning BSAD 125
COM 115 Fundamentals of Public Speaking SPCH 101
ECO 155 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 201
ECO 165 Principles of Microeconomics ECON 202
ENG 110 Writing I ENGL 101
MGT 286 Business Communications BSAD 130
MTH 135 College Algebra (or higher) MATH 111
PSY 121 Introductory Psychology PSYC 101
QBA 237 Basic Business Statistics Taken online from MSU
RIL 231 Legal Environment of Business BSAD 230

Courses typically offered in the fall:

Courses Hours Modality
FIN 380 Financial Management 3 iCourse 
FIN 384 Financial Markets and Intermediaries 3 ITV 
FIN 582 International Financial Management 3 ITV 
MGT 345 Designing, Managing and Evaluating Human Resources Management Programs 3 ITV 
MKT 350 Principles of Marketing 3 ITV 
LAW 531 Labor Law and Employment Discrimination
or TCM 359 Principles of Project Management
or RMI 538 Introduction to Estate Planning
3 Online or iCourse 

Courses typically offered in the spring:

Courses Hours Modality
ACC 311 Managerial Cost Accounting 3 Online 
ITC 429 Information Systems with Business Intelligence 3 ITV 
FIN 380 Financial Management 3 iCourse 
FIN 381 Financial Planning 3 Online 
LAW 332 Debtor and Creditor Rights and Remedies 1 ITV 
LAW 335 Business Enterprises, Rights/Liabilities 2 ITV 
MGT 340 Principles of Management 3 ITV 
MGT 487 Strategic Management and Policy 3 ITV 

Courses typically offered during the summer:

Courses Hours Modality
FIN 485 Investments 3 ITV 
MKT 364 Operations Management 3 Online 
MKT 351 Consumer Behavior 3 ITV 
  • Course offering and modality are subject to change. 


Transfer advisement

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